E&P – Chirurgie digestive
Enseignement & publications chirurgie digestive
Le Département de Chirurgie Digestive, Oncologique et Métabolique de l’Institut Mutualiste Montsouris est affilié à l’Université Paris Descartes.
Il participe à l’enseignement des étudiants en médecine et à différents diplômes universitaires (D.U.) et inter-universitaires (D.I.U.) en chirurgie cœlioscopique et en cancérologie.
Enseignement Universitaire
- Enseignement de la chirurgie digestive aux étudiants de 4 ème et 5ème années des études médicales à la faculté Paris-Descartes ;
- Enseignement aux étudiants en médecine en stage dans le service ;
- Enseignement du Diplôme Etudes Spécialisées de Chirurgie Digestive ;
- Enseignement Masterclass Chirurgie Colorectale et Hépatique laparoscopique ;
- Enseignement DIU Cancérologie Digestive (Paris Descartes) ;
- Participation Formations Médicale et Chirurgicales Continues.
Accueil des Internes de chirurgie digestive
Le département est validant pour le Certificat d’Études Supérieures de chirurgie digestive.
Il accueille quatre internes français par semestre et deux résidents étrangers.
Accueil des Internes de chirurgie digestive
Le département est validant pour le Certificat d’Études Supérieures de chirurgie digestive.
Il accueille quatre internes français par semestre et deux résidents étrangers.
Accueil des étudiants hospitaliers
6 postes d’étudiants hospitaliers (externes) sont disponibles.
Accueil de chirurgiens étrangers
Le département accueille des visiteurs étrangers (Japon, Inde, États-Unis, etc.) dans le cadre de leur formation continue en chirurgie hépatobiliopancréatique pour une durée variable.
La Recherche et l’investigation clinique
Le Département de Chirurgie Digestive, Oncologique et Métabolique de l’Institut Mutualiste Montsouris travaille en étroite collaboration avec des centres de recherche publics ou privés, l’industrie pharmaceutique et les fabricants de matériels, dans le cadre de protocoles de recherche.
Ces protocoles concernent le traitement chirurgical et médical des cancers pris en charge dans le département.
Les médecins et chirurgiens de l’équipe ont à leur actif de nombreuses publications scientifiques sur les cancers qui peuvent être retrouvées sur le site PubMed.com. Ci-dessous celles publiées au cours des dernières années.Extended right colectomy, left colectomy, or segmental left colectomy for splenic flexure carcinomas: a European multicenter propensity score matching analysis.
de’Angelis N, Martínez-Pérez A, Winter DC, Landi F, Vitali GC, Le Roy B, Coccolini F, Brunetti F, Celentano V, Di Saverio S, Ris F, Fuks D, Espin E; SFC Study Group.
Surg Endosc. 2020 Feb 18. (IF 3,51)
Laparoscopic repeat liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicentre propensity score-based study.
Morise Z, Aldrighetti L, Belli G, Ratti F, Belli A, Cherqui D, Tanabe M, Wakabayashi G; ILLS-Tokyo Collaborator group.
Br J Surg. 2020 Jan 29. (IF 5,89)
Impact of cirrhosis in patients undergoing laparoscopic liver resection in a nationwide multicentre survey.
Hobeika C, Fuks D, Cauchy F, Goumard C, Soubrane O, Gayet B, Salamé E, Cherqui D, Vibert E, Scatton O; AFC-LLR-2018 study group, Nomi T, Oudafal N, Kawai T, Komatsu S, Okumura S, Petrucciani N, Laurent A, Bucur P, Barbier L, Trechot B, Nunèz J, Tedeschi M, Allard MA, Golse N, Ciacio O, Pittau G, Cunha AS, Adam R, Laurent C, Chiche L, Leourier P, Rebibo L, Regimbeau JM, Ferre L, Souche FR, Chauvat J, Fabre JM, Jehaes F, Mohkam K, Lesurtel M, Ducerf C, Mabrut JY, Hor T, Paye F, Balladur P, Suc B, Muscari F, Millet G, El Amrani M, Ratajczak C, Lecolle K, Boleslawski E, Truant S, Pruvot FR, Kianmanesh AR, Codjia T, Schwarz L, Girard E, Abba J, Letoublon C, Chirica M, Carmelo A, VanBrugghe C, Cherkaoui Z, Unterteiner X, Memeo R, Pessaux P, Buc E, Lermite E, Barbieux J, Bougard M, Marchese U, Ewald J, Turini O, Thobie A, Menahem B, Mulliri A, Lubrano J, Zemour J, Fagot H, Passot G, Gregoire E, Hardwigsen J, le Treut YP, Patrice D.
Br J Surg. 2020 Jan 9. (IF 5,89)
Pure laparoscopic versus open hemihepatectomy: a critical assessment and realistic expectations. A propensity score-based analysis of right and left hemihepatectomies from 9 European tertiary referral centers.
Cipriani F, Alzoubi M, Fuks D, Ratti F, Kawai T, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Van der Poel M, Faoury M, Besselink M, D’Hondt M, Dagher I, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Scatton O, Gayet B, Aldrighetti L, Abu Hilal M.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2019 Aug 16. (IF 2,35)
Outcomes After Minimally-invasive Versus Open Pancreatoduodenectomy: A Pan-European Propensity Score Matched Study.
Klompmaker S, van Hilst J, Wellner UF, Busch OR, Coratti A, D’Hondt M, Dokmak S, Festen S, Kerem M, Khatkov I, Lips DJ, Lombardo C, Luyer M, Manzoni A, Molenaar IQ, Rosso E, Saint-Marc O, Vansteenkiste F, Wittel UA, Bonsing B, Groot Koerkamp B, Abu Hilal M, Fuks D, Poves I, Keck T, Boggi U, Besselink MG; European consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS).
Ann Surg. 2020 Feb;271(2):356-363. (IF 9,203)Outcomes of Elective and Emergency Conversion in Minimally Invasive Distal Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: An International Multicenter Propensity Score-matched Study.
Lof S, Korrel M, van Hilst J, Moekotte AL, Bassi C, Butturini G, Boggi U, Dokmak S, Edwin B, Falconi M, Fuks D, de Pastena M, Zerbi A, Besselink MG, Abu Hilal M; European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS).
Ann Surg. 2019 Dec 10. (IF 9,203)
Major hepatectomy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma or colorectal liver metastases. Are we talking about the same story?
Doussot A, Fuks D, Regimbeau JM, Farges O, Sa-Cunha A, Pruvot FR, Adam R, Navarro F, Azoulay D, Heyd B, Pessaux P; AFC-colorectal liver metastases working group and the IHCC-AFC study group.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019 Dec;45(12):2353-2359. (IF 3,38)
Laparoscopic Major Hepatectomy: Do Not Underestimate the Impact of Specimen Extraction Site.
Guilbaud T, Feretti C, Holowko W, Garbarino GM, Marchese U, Sarran A, Beaussier M, Gayet B, Fuks D.
World J Surg. 2019 Nov 20. (IF 2,64)
Appendix intussusception in a young patient with Crohn’s disease.
Faul A, Laforest A, Fuks D.
J Visc Surg. 2019 Nov 4. (IF 2,21)
Laparoscopic versus open unisegmentectomy in two specialized centers. Feasibility and short-term results.
Garbarino GM, Marchese U, Tobome R, Ward MA, Vibert E, Gayet B, Cherqui D, Fuks D.
HPB (Oxford). 2019 Oct 28. pii: S1365-182X(19)30729-4. (IF 2,91)
Laparoscopic Parenchymal-Sparing Hepatectomy for Multiple Colorectal Liver Metastases Improves Outcomes and Salvageability: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis.
Okumura S, Tabchouri N, Leung U, Tinguely P, Louvet C, Beaussier M, Gayet B, Fuks D.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Oct 11. (IF 3,85)
Prognostic factors and patterns of recurrence after emergency management for obstructing colon cancer: multivariate analysis from a series of 2120 patients.
Manceau G, Voron T, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Beyer-Berjot L, Abdalla S, Sielezneff I, Lefèvre JH, Karoui M; AFC (French Surgical Association) Working Group.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2019 Oct 10. (IF 2,19)
Perioperative and long-term outcomes of laparoscopic liver resections for non-colorectal liver metastases.
Triantafyllidis I, Gayet B, Tsiakyroudi S, Tabchouri N, Beaussier M, Bennamoun M, Sarran A, Lefevre M, Louvet C, Fuks D.
Surg Endosc. 2019 Oct 4. (IF 3,51)
Timing of Perioperative Chemotherapy Does Not Influence Long-Term Outcome of Patients Undergoing Combined Laparoscopic Colorectal and Liver Resection in Selected Upfront Resectable Synchronous Liver Metastases.
Ratti F, Fuks D, Cipriani F, Gayet B, Aldrighetti L.
World J Surg. 2019 Aug 26. (IF 2,64)
Laparoscopic versus open two-stage hepatectomy for bilobar colorectal liver metastases: A bi-institutional, propensity score-matched study.
Okumura S, Goumard C, Gayet B, Fuks D, Scatton O.
Surgery. 2019 Aug 5 (IF 3,47)
Validation and performance of three-level procedure-based classification for laparoscopic liver resection.
Kawaguchi Y, Tanaka S, Fuks D, Kanazawa A, Takeda Y, Hirokawa F, Nitta H, Nakajima T, Kaizu T, Kaibori M, Kojima T, Otsuka Y, Kubo S, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N, Kaneko H, Wakabayashi G, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2019 Jul 23. (IF 3,51)
Safety and feasibility of repeat laparoscopic colorectal resection: a matched case-control study.
Zarzavadjian le Bian A, Genser L, Denet C, Ferretti C, Laforest A, Ferraz JM, Tubbax C, Wind P, Gayet B, Fuks D.
Surg Endosc. 2019 Jul 19. (IF 3,51)
Highlights, limitations and future challenges of laparoscopic resection for colorectal liver metastases.
Guilbaud T, Marchese U, Gayet B, Fuks D.
J Visc Surg. 2019 May 14. (IF 2,21)
Predicting the Severity of Pancreatic Fistula after Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Overweight and Blood Loss as Independent Risk Factors: Retrospective Analysis of 277 Patients.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Fuks D, Montali F, Cesaretti M, Costi R, Wind P, Smadja C, Gayet B.
Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2019 May 7.
Outpatient EUS gastrocholecystostomy for symptomatic gallbladder distension.
Donatelli G, Cereatti F, Privat J, Fuks D, Dumont JL.
VideoGIE. 2019 Mar 4;4(4):161-162.
Right-sided vs. left-sided obstructing colonic cancer: results of a multicenter study of the French Surgical Association in 2325 patients and literature review.
Mege D, Manceau G, Beyer L, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, de’Angelis N, Abdalla S, Sielezneff I, Karoui M; AFC (French Surgical Association) Working Group.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2019 Apr 2. (IF 1,11)
Limited Sensitivity of Circulating Tumor DNA Detection by Droplet Digital PCR in Non-Metastatic Operable Gastric Cancer Patients.
Cabel L, Decraene C, Bieche I, Pierga JY, Bennamoun M, Fuks D, Ferraz JM, Lefevre M, Baulande S, Bernard V, Vacher S, Mariani P, Proudhon C, Bidard FC, Louvet C.
Cancers (Basel). 2019 Mar 21;11(3). (IF)
30-day mortality after emergency surgery for obstructing colon cancer: Survey and dedicated score from the French Surgical Association (AFC).
Manceau G, Mege D, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, De Angelis N, Ouaissi M, Sielezneff I, Karoui M; AFC (French Surgical Association) Working Group.
Colorectal Dis. 2019 Mar 18 (IF 2,77)
Gayet B, Fuks D.
Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2019 Apr;28(2):333-335. (IF 3,17)
Updated Alternative Fistula Risk Score (ua-FRS) to Include Minimally Invasive Pancreatoduodenectomy: Pan-European Validation.
Mungroop TH, Klompmaker S, Wellner UF, Steyerberg EW, Coratti A, D’Hondt M, de Pastena M, Dokmak S, Khatov I, Saint-Marc O, Wittel U, Abu Hilal M, Fuks D, Poves I, Keck T, Boggi U, Besselink MG; European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS).
Ann Surg. 2019 Feb 13. (IF 9,20)
Umbilical Single-Port Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Standardized Procedure: How to Do It? (Video).
Fadhl H, Suhool A, Donatelli G, Fuks D, Pourcher G.
Obes Surg. 2019 Feb 19. (IF 3,34)
Early removal of intraperitoneal drainage after pancreatoduodenectomy in patients without postoperative fistula at POD3: Results of a randomized clinical trial.
Dembinski J, Mariette C, Tuech JJ, Mauvais F, Piessen G, Fuks D, Schwarz L, Truant S, Cosse C, Pruvot FR, Regimbeau JM, Browet F, Ainseba N, Scotte M, Rebibo L, Le Roux F.
J Visc Surg. 2019 Jan 31. (IF 2,29)
Multicentre propensity score-matched study of laparoscopic versus open repeat liver resection for colorectal liver metastases.
van der Poel MJ, Barkhatov L, Fuks D, Berardi G, Cipriani F, Aljaiuossi A, Lainas P, Dagher I, D’Hondt M, Rotellar F, Besselink MG, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Gayet B, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M.
Br J Surg. 2019 Feb 1. (IF 5,43)
Liver resection for extra-pancreatic biliary cancer: what is the role of laparoscopic approach?
Elmoghazy W, Cowan J, Tabchouri N, Tinguely P, Bennamoun M, Tubbax C, Sarran A, Lefevre M, Lamer C, Gayet B, Fuks D.
Surg Endosc. 2019 Jan 28. (IF 3,51)
After laparoscopic liver resection for colorectal liver metastases, age does not influence morbi-mortality.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Tabchouri N, Bennamoun M, Louvet C, Tubbax C, Sarran A, Lefevre M, Beaussier M, Pamoukdjian F, Wind P, Gayet B, Fuks D.
Surg Endosc. 2019 Jan 22. (IF 3,51)
What is the Best Option Between Primary Diverting Stoma or Endoscopic Stent as a Bridge to Surgery with a Curative Intent for Obstructed Left Colon Cancer? Results from a Propensity Score Analysis of the French Surgical Association Multicenter Cohort of 518 Patients.
Mege D, Sabbagh C, Manceau G, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Momar D, Sielezneff I, Karoui M; AFC (French Surgical Association) Working Group.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Jan 8.Enhanced recovery protocols in colonic surgery: retrospective cohort analysis of economic impact from an institutional point of view.
Benbouzid A, Tabchouri N, Denet C, Ferraz JM, Laforest A, Gayet B, Tubbax C, Paubel P, d’Avout d’Auerstaedt A, Bossard AE, Sarran A, Aminot I, Camps S, Fuks D.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2018 Nov 20. (IF 2,53)
Validation of index-based IWATE criteria as an improved difficulty scoring system for laparoscopic liver resection.
Tanaka S, Kawaguchi Y, Kubo S, Kanazawa A, Takeda Y, Hirokawa F, Nitta H, Nakajima T, Kaizu T, Kaibori M, Kojima T, Otsuka Y, Fuks D, Hasegawa K, Kokudo N, Kaneko H, Gayet B, Wakabayashi G.
Surgery. 2018 Nov 13. (IF 3,57)
Resection of an Esophageal Diverticulum by Thoracoscopy in Prone Position.
Chandeze MM, Gayet B, Cowan J, Ferraz JM, Fuks D.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Oct 10. (IF 3,77)
Intraoperative confocal laser endomicroscopy for real-time in vivo tissue characterization during surgical procedures.
Fuks D, Pierangelo A, Validire P, Lefevre M, Benali A, Trebuchet G, Criton A, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2018 Sep 19. (IF 3,51)
Total Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenectomy with Venous Reconstruction for Pancreatic Head Cancer with Involvement of the Superior Mesenteric Vein-Portal Vein Confluence.
Garbarino GM, Fuks D, Cowan J, Ward M, Moisan F, Donatelli G, Beaussier M, Gayet B.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Sep 14.
Surgical management of obstructive right-sided colon cancer at a national level results of a multicenter study of the French Surgical Association in 776 patients.
Mege D, Manceau G, Beyer-Berjot L, Bridoux V, Lakkis Z, Venara A, Voron T, Brunetti F, Sielezneff I, Karoui M; AFC (French Surgical Association) Working Group.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018 Jul 6. (IF 3,68)
Innovation in Surgery: Qualitative Analysis of the Decision-Making Process and Ethical Concerns.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Fuks D, Costi R, Cesaretti M, Bruderer A, Wind P, Smadja C, Hervé C.
Surg Innov. 2018 Jul 1 (IF 1,54)
Late Pancreatic Anastomosis Stricture Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy: a Systematic Review.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Cesaretti M, Tabchouri N, Wind P, Fuks D.
J Gastrointest Surg. 2018 Jul 6. (IF 2,813)
Laparoscopic management of sigmoid colon gallstone ileus.
Ferretti C, Fuks D, Wind P, Zarzavadjian Le Bian A.
Tech Coloproctol. 2018 Jul 6 (IF 2,34)
Primary Tumor Versus Liver-First Approach for Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastases: An Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC) Multicenter-Based Study with Propensity Score Analysis.
Esposito F, Lim C, Sa Cunha A, Pessaux P, Navarro F, Azoulay D; French Colorectal Liver Metastases Working Group, Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC).
World J Surg. 2018 Jun 14. (IF 2,64)
Segment 7 Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Is It Possible to Resect When Metastatic Lesions Border Suprahepatic Veins?
Moisan F, Gayet B, Ward MA, Tabchouri N, Fuks D.
J Gastrointest Surg. 2018 May 31. (IF 2,813)
Laparoscopic extended liver resection: are postoperative outcomes different?
Pietrasz D, Fuks D, Subar D, Donatelli G, Ferretti C, Lamer C, Portigliotti L, Ward M, Cowan J, Nomi T, Beaussier M, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2018 May 16. (IF 3,51)
Recurrence patterns after laparoscopic resection of colorectal liver metastases.
Tabchouri N, Gayet B, Okumura S, Donatelli G, Beaussier M, Bennamoun M, Louvet C, Fuks D.
Surg Endosc. 2018 May 14. (IF 3,51)
Should We Evaluate Liver Resection Difficulty by Separating Laparoscopic From Open Approaches?
Kawaguchi Y, Fuks D, Kokudo N, Gayet B.
Ann Surg. 2018 May 8. (IF 9,203)
Do Not Forget to Collect All the Blood After Laparoscopic Liver Resection.
Fuks D.
World J Surg. 2018 May 4. (IF 2,64)
Specific features of colorectal cancer in patients with metabolic syndrome: a matched case-control analysis of 772 patients.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Denet C, Tabchouri N, Donatelli G, Wind P, Louvet C, Bennamoun M, Christidis C, Perniceni T, Fuks D, Gayet B.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2018 Apr 27. (IF 2,19)
External Validation and Optimization of the French Association of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery and Transplantation’s Score to Predict Severe Postoperative Biliary Leakage after Open or Laparoscopic Liver Resection.
Mohkam K, Fuks D, Vibert E, Nomi T, Cauchy F, Kawaguchi Y, Boleslawski E, Regimbeau JM, Gayet B, Mabrut JY.
J Am Coll Surg. 2018 Mar 21. (IF)
Authors’ Reply: Postoperative Bleeding After Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: The Achilles’ Heel?
Chopinet, S; Fuks, D; Gregoire, E; Hardwigsen, J; Gayet, B
World J Surg, 2018 (IF)
Laparoscopic versus open major hepatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data
Kasai, M; Cipriani, F; Gayet, B; Aldrighetti, L; Ratti, F; Sarmiento, JM; Scatton, O; Kim, KH; Dagher, I; Topal, B; Primrose, J; Nomi, T; Fuks, D; Abu Hilal, M
Surgery, 2018 (IF)
The effect of metabolic syndrome on postoperative outcomes following laparoscopic colectomy.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Denet C, Tabchouri N, Levard H, Besson R, Perniceni T, Costi R, Wind P, Fuks D, Gayet B.
Tech Coloproctol. 2018 Mar (IF)
Endoscopic Fistula-jejunostomy for Chronic Gastro-jejunal Fistula After Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Donatelli G, Guerriero L, Cereatti F, Arapis K, Dammaro C, Dumont JL, Fuks D, Perretta S.
Obes Surg. 2018 Mar 9. (IF)
Impact of laparoscopy in patients aged over 70 years requiring distal pancreatectomy: a French multicentric comparative study.
Souche R, Fuks D, Perinel J, Herrero A, Guillon F, Pirlet I, Perniceni T, Borie F, Cunha AS, Gayet B, Fabre JM.
Surg Endosc. 2018 Jan 16. (IF 3,25)
Comparison between open and laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer: A monocentric retrospective study from a western country.
Rod X, Fuks D, Macovei R, Levard H, Ferraz JM, Denet C, Tubbax C, Gayet B, Perniceni T.
J Visc Surg. 2018 Feb (IF 2,76)New indications for fully covered lumen-apposing metal stents: biliary stenting to treat post-sphincterotomy bleeding or ampullary stenosis.
Donatelli G, Dumont JL, Derhy S, Meduri B, Dritsas S, Gayet B, Fuks D.
Endoscopy. 2017 Nov 14. (IF 6,10)
Minimally Invasive versus Open Distal Pancreatectomy for Ductal Adenocarcinoma (DIPLOMA): A Pan-European Propensity Score Matched Study.
van Hilst J, de Rooij T, Klompmaker S, Rawashdeh M, Aleotti F, Al-Sarireh B, Alseidi A, Ateeb Z, Balzano G, Berrevoet F, Björnsson B, Boggi U, Busch OR, Butturini G, Casadei R, Del Chiaro M, Chikhladze S, Cipriani F, van Dam R, Damoli I, van Dieren S, Dokmak S, Edwin B, van Eijck C, Fabre JM, Falconi M, Farges O, Fernández-Cruz L, Forgione A, Frigerio I, Fuks D, Gavazzi F, Gayet B, Giardino A, Bas Groot K, Hackert T, Hassenpflug M, Kabir I, Keck T, Khatkov I, Kusar M, Lombardo C, Marchegiani G, Marshall R, Menon KV, Montorsi M, Orville M, de Pastena M, Pietrabissa A, Poves I, Primrose J, Pugliese R, Ricci C, Roberts K, Røsok B, Sahakyan MA, Sánchez-Cabús S, Sandström P, Scovel L, Solaini L, Soonawalla Z, Souche FR, Sutcliffe RP, Tiberio GA, Tomazic A, Troisi R, Wellner U, White S, Wittel UA, Zerbi A, Bassi C, Besselink MG, Abu Hilal M; European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS).
Ann Surg. 2017 Nov 2. (IF 8,98)
Endoscopic transmural management of abdominal fluid collection following gastrointestinal, bariatric, and hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery.
Donatelli G, Fuks D, Cereatti F, Pourcher G, Perniceni T, Dumont JL, Tuszynski T, Vergeau BM, Meduri B, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2017 Nov 2. (IF 3,25)
Seal or Drain? Endoscopic Management of Leaks Following Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Donatelli G, Fuks D, Tabchouri N, Pourcher G.
Surg Innov. 2017 Oct 1:1553350617739426. (IF 1,90)
IRCAD recommendation on safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Conrad C, Wakabayashi G, Asbun HJ, Dallemagne B, Demartines N, Diana M, Fuks D, Giménez ME, Goumard C, Kaneko H, Memeo R, Resende A, Scatton O, Schneck AS, Soubrane O, Tanabe M, van den Bos J, Weiss H, Yamamoto M, Marescaux J, Pessaux P.
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2017 Oct 27. (IF 2,71)
Postoperative Bleeding After Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: the Achilles’ Heel?
Chopinet S, Fuks D, Rinaudo M, Massol J, Gregoire E, Lamer C, Belgaumkar A, Hardwigsen J, Le Treut YP, Gayet B.
World J Surg. 2017 Oct 10. (IF 2,67)
Margin Status is Still an Important Prognostic Factor in Hepatectomies for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis.
Memeo R, de Blasi V, Adam R, Goéré D, Piardi T, Lermite E, Turrini O, Navarro F, de’Angelis N, Cunha AS, Pessaux P; French Colorectal Liver Metastases Working Group, Association Française de Chirurgie (AFC).
World J Surg. 2017 Sep 19 (IF 2,67)
Laparoscopic Compared to Open Repeat Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases: a Multi-institutional Propensity-Matched Analysis of Short- and Long-Term Outcomes.
Hallet J, Sa Cunha A, Cherqui D, Gayet B, Goéré D, Bachellier P, Laurent A, Fuks D, Navarro F, Pessaux P; French Colorectal Liver Metastases Working Group, Association Française de Chirurgie.
World J Surg. 2017 Jul 17. (IF 2,67)
Effectiveness and risk of biliary drainage prior to pancreatoduodenectomy: review of current status.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Fuks D, Dalla Valle R, Cesaretti M, Violi V, Costi R.
Surg Today. 2017 Jul 13. (IF 1,75)
Laparoscopic left liver resections: how far can we go?
Pattaro G, Fuks D, Tranchart H, Ettorre G, Suhool A, Bourdeaux C, Lainas P, Dagher I, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2017 Jun 7. (IF 3,25)
Laparoscopic liver surgery: towards a day-case management.
Tranchart H, Fuks D, Lainas P, Gaillard M, Dagher I, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2017 Jun 7. (IF 3,25)
Consequences of metabolic syndrome on postoperative outcomes after pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Zarzavadjian Le Bian A, Fuks D, Chopinet S, Gaujoux S, Cesaretti M, Costi R, Belgaumkar AP, Smadja C, Gayet B.
World J Gastroenterol. 2017 May 7;23(17):3142-3149. (IF 2,78)
Laparoscopic Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Critical Reappraisal.
Fuks D, Aldrighetti L, Jiao LR, Wakabayashi G, Limongelli P.
Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2017 May 17. (IF 0,93)
Preoperative imaging and prediction of oesophageal conduit necrosis after oesophagectomy for cancer.
Lainas P, Fuks D, Gaujoux S, Machroub Z, Fregeville A, Perniceni T, Mal F, Dousset B, Gayet B.
Br J Surg. 2017 May 11. (IF 5,54)
Impact of intraoperative blood loss on the short-term outcomes of laparoscopic liver resection.
Gupta R, Fuks D, Bourdeaux C, Radkani P, Nomi T, Lamer C, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2017 Mar 31 (IF 3,25)
Endoscopic Drainage of Intra-Abdominal Collection after Bariatric Surgery.
Donatelli G, Chiche R, Cereatti F, Pourcher G, Fuks D, Vergeau B, Dumont JL, Meduri B.
Obes Surg. 2017 Mar 27.
Comparable long-term oncologic outcomes of laparoscopic versus open pancreaticoduodenectomy for adenocarcinoma: a propensity score weighting analysis.
Conrad C, Basso V, Passot G, Zorzi D, Li L, Chen HC, Fuks D, Gayet B.
Surg Endosc. 2017 Feb 15 (IF 3,25)
Submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection (STER) with full-thickness muscle excision for a recurrent para-aortic esophageal leiomyoma after surgery.
Donatelli G, Fuks D, Pourcher G, Dumontier I, Cereatti F, Perniceni T, Gayet B.
Endoscopy. 2017 Feb;49(S 01):E86-E87. (IF 5.63)
Difficulty of Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Proposal for a New Classification.
Kawaguchi Y, Fuks D, Kokudo N, Gayet B.
Ann Surg. 2017 Feb 9. (IF 8.56)
Impact of intraoperative blood transfusion on short and long term outcomes after curative hepatectomy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a propensity score matching analysis by the AFC-IHCC study group.
Gómez Gavara C, Doussot A, Lim C, Salloum C, Lahat E, Fuks D, Farges O, Regimbeau JM, Azoulay D.
HPB (Oxford). 2017 Jan 22. (IF 2.67)
Laparoscopy could be the best approach to treat colorectal cancer in selected patients aged over 80 years: Outcomes from a multicenter study.
Rinaldi L, Ouaissi M, Barabino G, Loundou A, Clavel L, Sielezneff I, Roblin X, Porcheron J, Williet N, Fuks D, Gayet B, Phelip JM.
Dig Liver Dis. 2017 Sep 22. (IF 2.96)
Diagnostic accuracy of confocal laser endomicroscopy for the characterization of liver nodules.
Pierangelo A, Fuks D, Validire P, Benali A, Gayet B.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Sep 22 (IF 2,09)
Operative techniques to avoid near misses during laparoscopic hepatectomy.
Kawaguchi Y, Velayutham V, Fuks D, Mal F, Kokudo N, Gayet B.
Surgery. 2017 Aug 23. (IF 3,10)
Arrière plan de la têtière