Docteur Emilie Soularue
- Médecin, Service d’oncologie, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, 75014, Paris, depuis 2018
- Cheffe de clinique assistante, Service de gastroentérologie, CHU Kremlin-Bicêtre, 2015-2018
- DESC d’Oncologie, Ile-de-France, 2016
- Master 2 Biologie et Santé spécialité Cancérologie, Paris XI, 2014-2015
- DES d’Hépato-gastroentérologie, Ile-de-France, 2011-2014
- Master 1 Biologie et Santé, Paris XI, 2010-2011
- 1er et 2nd cycle d’études médicales, Paris XI, 2004-2010

Travaux, Recherche, et Publications
- « Local treatment of pancreatic cancer metastases : a multicenter french study of the AGEO group« , 2021
- « Systemic short chain fatty acids limit antitumor effect of CTLA-4 blockade in hosts with cancer« , 2020
- « Management of patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced enterocolitis : a systematic review« , 2020
- « Three fluoropyrimidine-based regimens in routine clinical practice after nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for metastatic pancreatic cancer : an AGEO multicenter study« , 2019
- « Withholding the introduction of anti-epidermal growth factor receptor : impact on outcomes in RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal tumors : a multicenter AGEO study« , 2019
- « Evolution and recurrence of gastrointestinal immune-related adverse events induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors« , 2019
- « Enterocolitis due to immune checkpoint inhibitors : a systematic review« , 2018
- « Trastuzumab in combination with FOLFIRI in patients with advanced HER2-Positive gastro-esophageal adenocarcinoma : a retrospective multicenter AGEO study« , 2017
- « Colon immune-related adverse events : Anti-CTLA-4 and Anti-PD-1 blockade induce distinct immunopathological entities« , 2017
- « Baseline gut microbiota predicts clinical response and colitis in metastatic melanoma patients treated with ipilimumab« , 2017
- « Inflammatory bowel disease and cancer response due to Anti-CTLA-4 : is it in the flora ?« , 2017
- « Efficacy and safety of trastuzumab in combination with oxaliplatin and fluorouracil-based chemotherapy for patients with HER2-positive metastatic gastric and gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma patients : a restrospective study« , 2015
- « Prise en charge d’une colite aigüe grave« , 2013
- Médaille d’argent au concours de la médaille section médecine, 2014 (APHP)
- Membre de l’Association des Gastro-Entérologues Oncologues (AGEO), depuis 2013